Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid are busily hammering out a debt ceiling plan. What other painful issues does he deal with?

Politically, Mitch McConnell is no slouch but we cannot say the same for his overall posture

Senator Mitch McConnell is quite busy trying to hammer out the details for a compromise debt ceiling deal.  What a pain in the butt.  Judging from the senators over posture (the physical, not the political one), he quite likely has some issues.

I had found a number of photos of him on the internet.  If you look at his shoulders, his right shoulder leans forward and he tends to lean his head slightly to the right.   Typically, this is seen when someone has either low arches, or flat feet on the same side which causes the hip to drop.  In response to this, the myofascia in his core muscles will tighten and he will under stride on that side and over stride on the opposite side.  The legs will also tighten and he likely gets lower back pain and I would also expect him to feel tension in the shoulders and neck as well.

When we look at the full view of how he stands and walks, this confirms our suspicions from the paragraph above (note, his right foot does toe out even though it is in a back step and his left foot appears more neutral, which would result in his left side having a better posture.

The combination of two sides working differently is a recipe for back pain, neck pain, headaches and he probably has had problems in his right calf or may even have had plantar fasciitis .

Eventually, I would love to speak with Senator. McConnell , if he is so inclined and find out if my analysis is correct. This is of course, following the many clues in the public domain photos I have been able to find.

Good luck on solving the debt ceiling problems. Hopefully, you and the other senators and representatives will find a solution everyone can live with.

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