Mitt Romney Was Seen In The GOP Debate Last Night. How Did He Feel?

Mitt has both the presidential run, Massachusetts and some postural issues on his shoulders

Mitt Romney has been quite busy giving the presidency another try, last night , while debating his GOP competition. He is a busy guy and with that comes the stress of balancing it all.

I also noticed how he stands (but not sure at this time what he stands for) and his right shoulder leans forward in the many photos I was able to find on him.  He is round-shouldered on his right side which indicates he tends to toe out on the right with his foot.  Typically, this would cause him to have pain in his left hip, possible occasional leg pain as well as tightness on the left side of his neck and shoulder as his hip joints strain on the opposite side of the toed out foot.

Overall, he does not have horrible posture (not to be confused with posturing) and he has likely moderate overpronation (foot flare) on the right. After a stressful week like this, he will likely be visiting his massage therapist, chiropractor or both.

Eventually, I would love to speak with Mitt, if he is so inclined and find out if my analysis is correct.

Good Luck Mitt. I know you will be quite busy during the upcoming campaign season:)

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Filed under Presidential

Newt Gingrich has presidential campaign headaches that are more than just a pain in the neck

Newt Gingrich posture study

Poor Newt!  His top echelon of people who were preparing him for a run for the 2012 president campaign.  Now, he had to deal with those headaches, however, I also noticed a few things which also are likely creating other pains in both the back and the neck.

Looking closely at dozens of photos of Newt, I noticed that his right shoulder leans forward, as his head leans to the right.  Typically, this means his right foot turns out.  He is not very round-shouldered as far as I can see, so I believe he has arches in his feet (a good thing).  The bad thing is that if his right foot turns out and his left foot does not, he will most certainly have lower back pain at times and may even feel it in the left side into the shoulder-blade and the neck and shoulder (His presidential campaign is not the only pain in the neck).

As a rule, people who walk this way because they are built this way have a short stride on the side of foot flare and also tighten in the opposite quadracep, a common cause of knee pain.

Eventually, I would love to speak with Newt, if he is so inclined and find out if my analysis is correct.  I think I have a better than 80% chance I am. Good luck Newt!

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Filed under Presidential

Anthony Weiner had a tough week. His back has to be killing him. Find out why here.

Anthony Weiner is not only in political pain, his back is killing him too

Anthony Weiner had a tough week. He got busted because he had some fun on twitter and unfortunately, it was with women outside his marriage.  Lets look a little bit closer. If you notice, his right shoulder in each photo hangs forward and down.  Typically, this means his right foot turns out which will cause his hip to drop on that side.  Since this will tighten his core muscles (mid back section) unevenly, he is likely experiencing torquing of the pelvis which creates left hip pain, possible left groin tightness  due to compensation (no relationship to the twitter photo in question of this area) and his left shoulder-blade is likely killing him.

There is also a great probability that he has flat feet (typically, the more the feet turn out and the arches fall in, the more rounded the shoulders become which is seen in all photos).

I would love to interview him personally and see if I have it right.  Based on his body style, I am likely right about most of this.

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Filed under Politicians in the news

Welcome to, the site that evaluates the political candidates and how they stand (literally) and wonders, how their posture makes them feel.

We are quickly entering the local and national presidential election season.  Politicians may rise and fall, but the way they stand and the platforms they are built upon determine the way they feel.  Taken literally, body style (the way you are built) determines the way your body functions.  It can be predicted, with a high level of certainty that certain body styles will cause neck, shoulder and back problems. Using photos of our political candidates and our current elected officials, we are dedicating this blog to their postures (the structural, rather than the political ones) and will be making educated guesses on how their structure makes them feel.

Dr. William Charschan is doctor of chiropractic with offices in North Brunswick and Scotch Plains, New Jersey and the  Medical Director for USA Track and Field, New Jersey. He is the author of and diary of a NJ chiropractor healthcare blog at
He has a new book, Cheating Mother Nature, What You Need To Know To Beat Chronic Pain coming out soon on For more information you can reach Dr. Charschan at (732) 846 – 6400 in North Brunswick NJ or (732) 829-0009 in Scotch Plains NJ or visit for helpful hints and information to combat chronic pain and increase your athletic performance.

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