John Boehner Backs Obama On Far-Reaching Debt Ceiling Plan. Do You Wonder How His Back Has Been Feeling lately?

Check out John Boehner's stance (the non political one I mean)

John Boehner has had the back-breaking task of negotiating with the president, and members of his political partiy to come up with a solution for the nations debt crisis.  Hopefully, it will finally come together for both of them and make sense as public policy to protect the dollar, and our economy.

Upon looking more closely at Mr. Boehner, I have noticed a number of things about his stance (literally)!  I found quite a number of photos of  the house speaker on the internet.  A number of things are common to all of them. Notice is right shoulder always hangs forward.  This typically means that his right foot flares out.  If you notice the middle photo of him on the golf course, you can see this is indeed the case and he has an asymmetrical body style, with the right foot flaring out, the left foot not as much and we see it  as his right shoulder leans forward.  Typically, someone who is built this way will have the right hip lower which will cause the pelvis to torque.  This is the most common presentation of back pain.  The right side will tighten up, the left side strains and he likely experiences lower back pain and possibly left hip or leg discomfort.  People with this type of build may also experience left knee pain and left shoulder pain as well, with chronic tightness into the neck, often blamed on stress.

Back on the golf course, it looks as if Mr. Boehner is leaning on his golf club on the right and holding his lower back on the left (notice the hand placement).  It looks like his back is indeed uncomfortable as he stood with the president and I hear he is a very good golfer.

I have a couple of free suggestions for the house speaker.  First, if you do not wear them already, you may wish to consider seeing someone and getting foot orthotics.  It would improve your already good game of golf and help level your pelvis.  The other suggestion is to consider seeing a good chiropractor (I understand that this service is available to congress people through the American Chiropractic Association).

Eventually, I would love to speak with Mr. Boehner, if he is so inclined and find out if my analysis is correct. This is of course, following the many clues in the public domain photos I have been able to find.

By the way, good luck on the debt situation; it’s not easy to balance competing agendas when the goal is to ultimately get the country back on a solid fiscal course.

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